今日の「聴き比べ」はボブ・ディラン(Bob Dylan)とザ・バーズ(The Byrds)の聴き比べです。
1965年、フォークロックというものがアメリカで完全に認知されるようになったきっかけは、何といってもボブ・ディランの『ミスター・タンブリンマン(Mr Tambourine Man)』ですが、この曲が世界中に知れ渡り、フォークロックが流行り出したのはザ・バーズによるところが大です。
この曲はボブ・ディランの5枚目のアルバム『Bringing It All Back Home』に収められていました。詩の内容は幻想的であることからドラッグ・ソングであるということが一般的には言われていました。ディランはこの作品で生ギター1本からバンド演奏を取り入れロックへの転向を試行しました。
Mr Tambourine Man
by Bob Dylan
*Hey Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle mornin' I'll come followin' you*
Though I know that evening's empire has returned into sand
Vanished from my hand
Left me blindly here to stand, but still not sleeping
My weariness amazes me, I am branded on my feet
I have no one to meet
And my ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming
Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin' ship
My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip
My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels
To be wandering
I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
Into my own parade, cast your dancin' spell my way
I promise to go under it
Though you might hear laughing, spinning, swinging madly across the sun
It's not aimed at anyone, it's just escaping on the run
And but for the sky there are no fences facing
And if you hear vague traces of skipping reels of rhyme
To your tambourine in time, it's just a ragged clown behind
I wouldn't pay it any mind
It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing
And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind
Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves
The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free
Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands
With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves
Let me forget about today until tomorrow
Bob Dylan - Mr. Tambourine Man (Audio)
ザ・バーズはディランのレコーディングから間もなく、この曲をレコーディングし、アルバムタイトルも『Mr Tambourine Man』としてリリースしました。そしてこれが爆発的なヒットを果たしました。全米・全英で1位となっています。12弦ギターのイントロで始まり、美しいハーモニーが絡み、ロジャー・マッギンのソロパートへと繋がっていきます。ディランとは違って、いわゆるフォークロックの完成でした。4番まであったディランの歌詞を2番までにして短めな曲にしました。
The Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man (Audio)
その後もザ・バーズはディランの曲を多くカバーしています。そして彼らの4枚目のアルバム『昨日より若く(Younger Than Yesterday)』で『マイ・バック・ペイジス(My Back Pages)』を取り上げました。
My Back Pages
by Bob Dylan
Crimson flames tied through my ears
Rolling high and mighty traps
Pounced with fire on flaming roads
Using ideas as my maps
“We’ll meet on edges, soon,” said I
Proud 'neath heated brow
*Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now*
Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth
“Rip down all hate,” I screamed
Lies that life is black and white
Spoke from my skull, I dreamed
Romantic facts of musketeers
Foundationed deep, somehow
Girls’ faces formed the forward path
From phony jealousy
To memorizing politics
Of ancient history
Flung down by corpse evangelists
Un-thought of, though, somehow
A self-ordained professor’s tongue
Too serious to fool
Spouted out that liberty
Is just equality in school
“Equality,” I spoke the word
As if a wedding vow
In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not that I’d become my enemy
In the instant that I preach
My existence led by confusion boats
Mutiny from stern to bow
The Byrds - My Back Pages (1967)
この曲の原曲はボブ・ディランの4枚目のアルバム『Another Side Of Bob Dylan』の中の曲です。
Bob Dylan - My Back Pages (Audio)
そしてもう1曲、忘れられないのが『寂しき4番街(Positively 4th Street)』です。この曲はボブ・ディランの『追憶のハイウェイ61(Highway 61 Revisited)』と同時期に録音されましたが、アルバムには収録されず、シングルで発売され、後に『グレイテスト・ヒッツ』に収録されました。
Positively 4th Street
by Bob Dylan
You got a lot of nerve
To say you are my friend
When I was down
You just stood there grinning
You got a lot of nerve
To say you got a helping hand to lend
You just want to be on
The side that’s winning
You say I let you down
You know it’s not like that
If you’re so hurt
Why then don’t you show it?
You say you lost your faith
But that’s not where it’s at
You had no faith to lose
And you know it
I know the reason
That you talk behind my back
I used to be among the crowd
You’re in with
Do you take me for such a fool
To think I’d make contact
With the one who tries to hide
What it don’t know to begin with
You see me on the street
You always act surprised
You say “How are you? Good luck!”
But you don’t mean it
When you know as well as me
You’d rather see me paralyzed
Why don’t you just come out once
And scream it
No, I do not feel that good
When I see the heartbreaks you embrace
If I was a master thief
Perhaps I’d rob them
And now I know you’re dissatisfied
With your position and your place
Don’t you understand
It’s not my problem
I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
And just for that one moment
I could be you
Yes, I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
You’d know what a drag it is
To see you
Bob Dylan - Positively 4th Street (Single Version - Audio)
The Byrds - Positively 4th Street (Audio/Live 1970)